Friday, May 1, 2009

Why doesn’t Curly’s wife have a name?

Curly’s wife doesn’t have a name because the author doesn’t want her to have one first off. Next maybe she doesn’t have one because it represents how man in the books time period thought of women that they aren’t anything and they don’t need a name. The man just thought that women don’t need a name and they belong to the man

Which one needs each other Lennie or George?

I think they both need each other but George needs Lennie the most even though he tells Lennie what to do and everything. Even though George may be the smart one he wouldn’t be able to reach his dream without Lennie. Lennie shows the boss and others that he works hard. The way he shows them he works hard is hat he does twice the work of two men. Without his long and hard work neither of them would be able to get paid. That’s I believe George needs Lennie the most.

What does Slim have to do with in the book “of Mice and Men”?

Slim is the man who keeps everyone calm and everything in check. When working and something goes wrong he makes sure it gets fixed and back on check. He also is the problem solver with everyone on the farm. When Lennie broke Curly’s hand he made Curly tell people that something else happen to keep Lennie out of trouble. Everyone has respect for him.
the comparing of Lennie and my little brother

The big teddy bear! This is what comes to mind when I think about Lennie and my little brother. They both have power hat cant be controlled. They have a lack of understanding of what’s going on around them. Age. These things make them so much a like but because of the time period looked at different.

First their power is great that can be used for good but cannot be controlled when upset. Lennie broke all of Curly bones in his hand when he could have just got him to stop hitting on him. Lennie even killed Curly’s wife because she would stop yelling. The same thing happens when my little brother get upset. He put a hole in my bedroom wall when he opened the door because he was upset that n he couldn’t get in the room. The two would help out the world so much if they were able to control their power. De o their time period they get treated different if they do something dealing with their power.

Next the two are very smart but have a lack of understanding with what’s going on around them. Lennie didn’t know what was going on with his time period and that people didn’t know how to accept people of his kind. He did not know why Curly would pick on him even though Candy told him and George that he didn’t like man that as bigger then him. With my little brother his understanding is growing as he grows up. Both of the two can remember things. Lennie can remember about the farm and my brother can remember almost every television show that comes on.

Age.! Neither of them act they age which is a problem a very big problem for Lennie who was the soul of a little kid. People don’t understand that he has a disability and he thinks different then everyone else. He can’t understand everything either when it happen but if given time he can but looking at his time period people wasn’t trying to do that with him. My brother was I much better because of his time period. Even though he has it much better then Lennie its still a fight for people like them because people don want to teach them or something on that type of level. My brother is starting to act his age some days and then other its back to being a little boy.

In conclusion Lennie and my little brother power, lack of understanding, and age makes them so much a like but seeing there time period and the people that is in them make life either hard for Lennie’s case. For my little brother they make it a lot easier for him.