Friday, February 20, 2009

My Life

My Life

Marcus Robert Young what did I tell about your actions? When are you going to stop acting your age and start acting mature? I always here this from my mom or family member when I go shopping spending all my money, going out with friends when I should be studying and when I make my mom at my about dumb things like not calling her. Many parents go through this with their children. I am going to show he reader how I am not yet in the mature stages of my life but not that far from it either. Working on myself will be the hardest part because I’m no ready to grow up.

Many love to shop for name brand clothes at high prices and go out with friends. Well I’m one of them. Because of these things I am not mature yet. Shopping at the, you walk in to Macy’s and soon as you turn your had these pair of joins catch your eyes. You run over thee and make sure that you size and try them on. After you make sure they fit, you go and pay for them not caring for the cost of them at all. This is the type of shopper I am, not caring that times are hard and having to get ready for I pay 100 to 200 dollars for some jeans. Our actions have a major effect us in the long run, and we don’t think about that until to late.

Party’s you can catch me at anyone that I think will be the party of the year. With me thinking that the party is going to be big I go to one almost every week knowing that I have a major test that will affect my grade if I don’t past. Instead of going to the party a mature person would stay in the house to study so they can pass the test with flying colors with out having to guess on the test and not hope they are correct. Guess in life will not get you to college and a successful job. In order to be mature person I need to know when I should go out with friends to a party and when I should stay in the house.

Next when I am being treated like a little boy, I act like one to make my and others mad at my. A sixteen year old should never act like that just to make someone mad, instead I should be trying to show them that I’m a young man and not a little boy. When I have to call my every two seconds it makes me mad, I call and lie to her about something small to get her off my back. Walking in the door my mom just starts talking to me about how the streets are crazy and then I start to feel sad like in the story when Lizabeth kills Miss Lotties marigolds written by Eugenia Collier “Marigolds”. Feeling how Lizabeth felt helped me get closer to adult hood.

Hopefully the reader can understand why I’m not in my adult hood yet. All hope is not lost because of my immaturity has helped me grow as a young man. I don’t pain to stop growing up. Class clown that guy was me. I use to want everyone like me but I didn’t even know who I was. Know I don’t care what they think about me. School was become the only thing that matter to me this year. Teacher are impressed with this new Marcus, they now enjoy me in class before they couldn’t stand me. Teachers have seen this change from me because I want to better my self in life and do not want to end up in jail or even worst six feet under. Also I want to be an example for the children that grew up with out father. Just because your father isn’t in life doesn’t mean you can’t make it in life and show him that you did it with out him.

The reader can now see why I am not yet mature but not far away from it either. My actions and the age I act have people pre-judge me and think that I’m just a little boy. With the people telling me to grow up and act my age has given me a new look on life. I should act the right way all the time if I want people to treat me like a young man and not a little boy. Before I thought people was just trying to pick on me when we sit down and talk. I would spin around in the chair, pop my gum, talk under my breath, but later I realized that these were all signs of immaturity. Changing the way I act has given people a new look on me and happy to work with me. These are the reasons why I’m not yet a young man, but so close to it.

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